Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 12-Flipping the Script

So, we thought we would experiment with a new schedule since Daddy and Mommy haven't had a date night in about 12 weeks (bedrest plus baby time). Grandma Sherrie is at the hospital now, while Mommy and Daddy will arrive in the afternoon. We'll take a dinner break (read: date), and come back to the hospital for dessert, so to speak.

Last night was a largely restful night for our baby boy, though we did encounter our first dud of a nurse. Not going to name names, but suffice it to say that she was not excited about having to work a night shift in order to cover co-workers who couldn't make it. Overall, a sourpuss of a person, and one we're hoping won't be working with Rafa again anytime soon.

As far as how our hero fared, nice and stable as usual, with a slight dip in blood pressure that was easily corrected by late morning. He's back off of the dopamine (he was put back on briefly to help him stabilize), and I'm sure he's grooving along with Grandma, doing crossword puzzles and the like.

Some of you have asked what our typical day looks and feels like in the hospital. While today isn't exactly a fair example, it's not too far a departure from the status quo. Here goes:

8:30 Everyone's up and having breakfast. Mommy has pumped at least three times by now. Mothers in the house who breastfed, you know how that rolls.

9:30-10:00 Mommy and Grandma Sherrie depart for the hospital. Daddy has work or chores that he chisels away at, starting about now, with periodic TV rest breaks.

10:30 M and G arrive at hospital, get water and snacks, and ride up to the 7th floor, where our prince awaits.

*Pumping is happening throughout. It keeps Mommy honest.

10:30-12:30 G and M chat with nurses and ECMO technicians. We read to Rafa, talk to him, tell him about our time at home, how the cats are doing, etc. We are slowly able to be incorporated into his daily ablutions, including combing his hair and adding lotions to his dry spots. Mommy has even taken care of some of his drooly moments, which are always a hoot!

12:30-1:00 Lunch break

1:00-3:30/4:00 Repeat of the morning, occasionally with reports from the attendings on either his chest X-rays, head ultrasounds, or both, depending on the day

4:00 Mommy's LEAST favorite time of the day. Time to go home. G and M each have some quiet words with Rafa, Mommy reads a story, attempts to sing a song (meaning she usually leaks from the eyes pretty early on and can't keep going), and reminds her baby that he's her hero.

4:30 Off for home!

5/5:30 Dinner as a threesome usually, Mommy updates Daddy on the visit overall, though they've been in touch throughout the morning.

6:00/6:30 Daddy departs for the night shift on his bike, and Mommy calls regularly (read: compulsively) every 2-3 hours until he comes home.

Sounds like anyone else's day with a job, except ours doesn't come with the usual paycheck.
Ours is priceless.


  1. Rafa is so lucky to have such a dedicated family. You all are amazing.

  2. You've got all his bases covered!
    You're amazing!
    And I'm glad Mom & Dad are gonna get a little time together too!
