Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 15-"Charlie, do you know what happened to the boy who suddenly got everything he always wanted?"

"He lived happily ever after."

And just that quickly, we have an exciting and promising solution to Rafa's bronchomalacia!
Dr. Jennings did not find any issues with the airways or blood flow in the lungs Rafa has grown (which he reminded us were "very impressive") upon first look at the CT scan. He did, however, find that Rafa's right bronchial tube had collapsed, but that the damage had not extended into his lungs. Where does the good news come in?

THIS IS OPERABLE. THIS IS FIXABLE. Dr. Jennings feels we're on the right path and making good progress and wants to keep things moving in the right direction, and has promised to give the situation a great deal of thought tonight so that he can come up with a surgical solution.

And he ended the conversation with, "My pleasure."

This is the part of the roller coaster where you take your hands off the bar and scream like your life depended on it...and love every minute of it.

Please continue to keep those candles lit and Rafa in your thoughts and prayers. It's working! It's really working!


  1. This is WONDERFUL news! I'm still sending fairy dust and the candles are lit.

  2. Thank heavens above! I hope you all sleep well tonight. Love and candlelight.

  3. That is GREAT!!!
    Fixable is what we want!
    Chanting & fairy dust continues.
    By the way, my dad (who you haven't met, but has heard all about you) has been following Rafa's blog & wanted to post well wishes (but doesn't know how), so i am passing them along. Team Rafa gets bigger all the time.
    Love forever, John

  4. We are so glad to hear about the way forward. Every night as we put David to sleep we send our thoughts to Rafa and all of you. It has become a daily routine, and all the faith, hope, and strength we have to send is flying to you. A Quaker saying, "Keep an open mind, and proceed as the way opens" just needs a little tweak, "proceed as the airway opens." Much love from all.

  5. Yay! Sending good wishes every single day. Love, Lucy (roche) :)

  6. Oh wow! I am so thrilled to hear this. So great! An so glad you are reading Leo to our little boy wonder. He certainly seems to understand it! xoxo
