Thursday, September 3, 2009

How We're Doing...

It's funny to think about what to do with a blog like this. Rafa's story will never end, but our new chapter is just beginning.

We returned to New York for a feel-good visit this past week and were able to see many people who love us, who love our baby, and who are anxious and ready to see us return. We also found an apartment in Montclair, New Jersey that promises to be a wonderfully permanent least for a little while.

Some days are good. Some aren't. Some moments are beautiful and demonstrate to us so clearly how happy our hero is in his new place, and how readily he shares that happiness with his family on Earth. Some are bone-crushingly sad, and the pain is so present it takes your breath away. Most of these times are hopelessly intertwined.

I will begin back to teaching in December, which I largely look forward to. I'm not coming back under the circumstances I should, and that's hard. But I think that, for the most part, the people who I work with are ready to take me at face value and adjust to this new reality alongside me. I'm lucky to be able to say that. Am I bracing myself for that sadly uninformed parent who asks me how the baby is? Absolutely. Will I ever be truly ready for that moment? Of course not. How can you be?

Juan is heavy on the warpath about finding a job himself, while keeping busy with preparing for our coming move. He's still trying to figure out how to fill his nights, as they used to be spent at the hospital, while forever looking out for Rafa's spaceship.

Grandma Sherrie has many good times to look forward to, including tennis tournaments and a birthday party, new grocery stories to conquer, and is presently the great keeper of the remembrance box.

As for our little healer? Well, Mommy and Daddy greet him every morning and say goodnight before bed. But most times, he's not there. He's busy on his star in the constellation Hercules, tending his flower, getting into mischief, building with blocks, and enjoying peanut butter fudge and endless hugs. If you'd like to look for him through a telescope, his star is brightest in the month of July and can be found at the following coordinates:

RA16h42m40.36s D28(degrees)16'18.85"

Not sure how often we'll be updating on this particular blog, but do check in. We can't tell you enough how appreciative we are of your support, commitment, love, good cheer, and general rah-rah.

And we ride on...


  1. We're still with you, sending you love and light. We'll be checking Rafa's star... Much love.

  2. Count me as one of those New Yorkers who loves you, adores Rafa, & will be happy to see you often once you are back in the area.

    Even when I can't see Rafa's star, I can feel it out there, looking out for all of us. I think of him every day.

    Love you so much.

  3. We're always here for you all. I definitely have a favorite star, Rafa's star, and is so nice knowing that is always there. Much love.
